Keep up to date on EWOT research, benefits, and how to thet the most out of your EWOT system
Read EWOT Blogs
Brad Pitzele
Oxygen for Exercise: Debunking 6 Common Myths About EWOT With Facts
EWOT Therapy is another method to support people in maintaining their well-being.In this blog, you can explore the six common myths about EWOT along with factual information.
Brad Pitzele
How can EWOT Protocol Help People with Cancer?
Oxygen is the most essential element for our life and energy. Every organ needs oxygen to function properly. A lack of oxygen, termed Hypoxia, can have radical effects on a person’s overall well-being. Lets explore how can EWOT Protocol Help People with Cancer
Brad Pitzele
Exercising With Oxygen Therapy: The Basics
Exercising with oxygen therapy (EWOT) involves breathing a high-concentration of oxygen while exercising. Let's explore exercising with oxygen therapy and how it can help you.
Brad Pitzele
The Top 7 EWOT Benefits
EWOT has numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, enhanced athletic performance, and more. Let's cover the top 7 benefits of EWOT!
Brad Pitzele
Your Guide to Exercise with Oxygen Therapy
Exercise with oxygen therapy involves breathing in pure oxygen while engaging in physical activity. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of EWOT and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your workout routine.
Brad Pitzele
The Benefits of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy
Exercise with oxygen therapy has been shown to improve endurance, increase energy levels, reduce inflammation, and even aid in recovery from certain health conditions. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of exercise with oxygen therapy.
EWOT Staff
When You SHOULDN'T Use EWOT Contrast Training
We recently were asked by a customer why we don’t offer “EWOT contrast systems”. Truth is, you shouldn't use EWOT contrast training for all situations. Learn more!
EWOT Staff
Why You Should Use EWOT for Babesia infections
In this blog post, we’ll explore why EWOT should be at the top of your list when considering treatments for a might-have-been or existing case of Babesia infection.
EWOT Staff
The Benefits of Finding EWOT Near You
Learn more about finding EWOT centers near you and taking advantage of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy as a unique approach to fitness.
EWOT Staff
The Science Behind Oxygen Therapy for Athletes
Using Exercise with Oxygen Therapy for athletes can be a secret weapon to take their athletic performance to the next level. Learn how it works.
EWOT Staff
Everything You Need to Know About EWOT Machines
EWOT machines provide oxygen-rich air to help improve health, wellness, fitness performance, and even endurance in users. Discover how an EWOT machine can help you get healthy, stay fit, and feel better.
EWOT Staff
EWOT vs. HBOT (Hyperbaric oxygen)
When it comes to EWOT vs HBOT, we are often asked if you can get similar benefits and which modality is better for you. Let's explore the difference between EWOT and HBOT.