Using EWOT for Bartonella Infection
EWOT Staff

Looking for the effects of EWOT for Bartonella infection? Read on. And be sure to learn more about what an EWOT system needs for Lyme & Bartonella on our blog!
EWOT for Bartonella Infections Executive Summary
- Bartonella’s habitat is endothelial cells. It inflames these cells to create low oxygen environments and stimulate the growth of more endothelial cells. This allows it to proliferate in the body. Bartonella does this by activating a human immune chemical called hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). It is the growth of these new endothelial cells that cause many of the bartonella symptoms.
- EWOT is the practice of breathing high volumes of oxygen while working out to increase the body’s oxygen demand
- EWOT produces profound benefits with sessions as short as 15 minutes per day when done with a reservoir.
- EWOT was discovered by Manfred von Ardenne, a German inventor and physicist.
- EWOT increases of cellular oxygen uptake by decreasing inflammation in the endothelial cells that line blood vessels. This is a process that increases with age and disease.
- EWOT is very specific for getting rid of the inflammatory process that allows bartonella to live and spread in the human body. By reversing the expression of HIF-1, bartonella can no longer create new endothelial cells or spread.
- EWOT is similar to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), but it is much better suited for bartonella. EWOT is quicker and cheaper, with more dramatic results. EWOT will down-regulate HIF-1 whereas long term HBOT could aid the bartonella by turning on HIF-1.
- EWOT will work synergistically with other treatment modalities by allowing herbs and antibiotics to penetrate deeper into the tissues. This helps the body detox bartonella and cellular waste and helping the elimination organs filter toxins more efficiently.
- If you have a bartonella infection, you should seriously consider adding EWOT to your repertoire.
One Thousand Roads EWOT offers high-quality, affordable EWOT systems to help you improve your wellness.
What is Bartonella?
According to, Bartonella is a “bacterial pathogens that typically causes persistent infection of erythrocytes and endothelial cells in their mammalian hosts. In human infection, these host-cell interactions result in a broad range of clinical manifestations. Most remarkably, bartonellae can trigger massive proliferation of endothelial cells, leading to vascular tumour formation.”
What Does Bartonella do to My Body?
Bartonella is a bacterium that attacks human red blood cells (RBCs, a.k.a erythrocytes) and endothelial cells. The primary job of RBCs is to transport oxygen through the blood to where the body needs it.
Endothelial cells are specialized cells that work as a barrier to allow the passage of certain liquids and substances while inhibiting others. They line the interior surface of blood vessels ensuring that oxygen, for instance, can pass through to the cells that need it, but that blood plasma remains inside the blood vessels and does not leak out into the body cavity. The vascular endothelial cells line the entire cardiovascular system from the heart to the tiniest of capillaries. Endothelial cells can be found throughout the human body, including lining the organs. They also form the blood brain barrier (BB). This keeps harmful substances out of the brain and they are part of the vasculature supplying oxygen to the brain. The glomerular cells that help the kidneys perform their filtering function are also endothelial cells. Endothelial cells also perform similar filtering functions in the liver.
Are Endothelial Cells Important?
Endothelial cells are both critical to human health and life. They are dispersed throughout all of the systems of the body. These cells are such a critical part of the human body, that some scientists have been petitioning to have endothelial cells classified as their own organ system. It is these systems of cells that is a primary target for bartonella.
How Bartonella Affects Endothelial Cells
According to Stephen Buhner, in his book Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma, “Bartonella primarily live in endothelial cells. By entering CD34+ cells [pluripotent stem cells], they are immediately taken to locations throughout the body where endothelial inflammation is already occurring. This allows them to access the exact niche they need and to do so at the locations where endothelia integrity is already compromised.”
He also states that “Once the bartonella bacteria are established in the endothelial cells… they begin to infect the red blood cells…. These new bartonella bacteria then colonize the red blood cells, making the organism ready to be picked up by insects seeking a blood meal.”
In other words, the bartonella use the stem cells as a transportation mechanism. They then find compromised endothelia cells and infect them. Once they have infected the endothelial cells, their preferred habitat, they then seek to infect red blood cells as a secondary infection as a means to transmit to a new host.
The "Intelligent Bacteria"
Bartonella is also a very “intelligent” bacteria capable of hijacking the human immune system, similar to Lyme disease, to make the host more hospitable to the bartonella infection. Once the endothelial cells are infected, Bartonella will manipulate the human immune system to create a cytokine cascade that benefits its own proliferation and survival. For instance, bartonella has been show to increase cellular hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and decreased APT (cellular energy).
This results in the human immune system activating hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). HIF-1 is a response to oxygen starvation and its purpose it to create angiogenesis (the production of new blood vessels). Typically, the body would do this in response to a blocked or damaged blood vessel, as a means to create a new path to send blood and oxygen to cells that were experiencing hypoxia. In bartonella’s case, the purpose of this is the production of new endothelial cells, giving it more real estate for bartonella to infect. Cancer is known to use this same angiogenesis pathway as a means to grow tumors and allow for metastasis (the spread of cancer to other parts of the body).
What is Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)?
Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), or Oxygen Multi-Step Therapy, is the practice of exercising while breathing high concentrations of pure oxygen. An oxygen healing therapy, similar to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), it helps drive oxygen deeper into the tissues by super-oxygenating the red blood cells and blood plasma.
Normally when a person breathes, oxygen makes up just 21% of the air entering their lungs. With EWOT, when done properly with a reservoir, oxygen concentrations can be well above 90% of the volume of air entering the lungs. This process greatly increases the oxygen saturation level in the blood and pushes that oxygen deeper into the tissues.
Greater oxygen in the tissues reverses oxygen starvation and switches cells from anaerobic respiration to aerobic respiration. This allows cells to produce more energy and helps them detoxify from the build-up of cellular toxins created due to the low oxygen state (hypoxia). The increased oxygen also leads to a powerfully anti-inflammatory state. In 2013, there was a study in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology showing oxygen’s amazing impacts on reducing inflammation.
EWOT can produce great benefits in as little as 15 minutes per day, when performing EWOT with an oxygen reservoir. The benefits are long lasting and build over time. This makes it a very powerful therapy.
The Discovery of EWOT
Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) was first discovered by German researcher, physicist and inventor, Manfred von Ardenne. Von Ardenne was also an inventor; according to, “he held about 600 patents in radio and television technology, electron microscopy, nuclear plasma and medical technologies and was the author of many books and publications”. Von Ardenne was a student of Dr. Otto Warburg. The Nobel prize winning medical doctor is best known for his discoveries of the connection between cancer and low oxygen states at the cellular level.
Professor von Ardenne discovered that when people exercised while breathing pure oxygen, it created a series of physiological changes in the body that initially increase the head pressure of oxygen in the veins and capillaries. In his book, Oxygen Multistep Therapy, von Ardenne states that they observed “narrowing of capillaries due to swelling of endothelial cells in …O2 deficiency (hypoxia)”. He goes on to state that “poor O2 supply situation leads …[to] narrowing of the cross-section [of the capillaries] with a drop in the blood microcirculation” which then causes more inflammation and worsening local blood flow due to increasing blood viscosity caused by the blood stagnation - in effect, creating a negative feedback loop.
The Effect on Inflammation
He found that he could reverse this negative feedback loop by pushing larger quantities of oxygen into the blood and to the sites of inflammation. In the presence of higher concentration of oxygen, the cells inflammation reduces and the body is able properly detoxify. This process leads to restored microcirculation in the capillaries, allowing them to exchange oxygen more efficiently with the cells of the body.
Professor von Ardenne noted that this endothelial inflammation, due to hypoxia, was a commonality between various disease states, cancer development, and even aging and proposed EWOT as capable of reversing each of these conditions. The increased oxygen leads to increased cellular energy, allowing damaged cells to repair themselves and remove toxins built up in cells from the anaerobic processes caused during hypoxia.
EWOT and Bartonella – A Perfect Pair
EWOT is very specific for treating a bartonella infection, perhaps one of the most specific treatment modalities one can find. Bartonella hitches a ride on stem cells to the site of endothelial cell inflammation, where there are weakened endothelial cells it can easily co-opt. Once inside endothelial cells, it creates a hypoxic condition to hijack the human immune system and cause it to create new blood vessels and more endothelial cells to infect (angiogenesis). In fact, bartonella are the only bacteria able to produce angiogenic tumors in humans. And wherever this angiogenesis occurs, a person is likely to suffer the symptoms from the bartonella infection.
EWOT’s mechanism of activity is to reverse the endothelial cell inflammation that causes hypoxia. By forcing large quantities of oxygen into the body under greater pressures, HIF-1, it snuffs out the instigator of angiogenesis. It abates the endothelial cell inflammation, and the bartonella organism has no means of proliferating in the body. EWOT doesn’t just stop bartonella angiogenesis, it stops all errant angiogenesis, regardless of source – be it bartonella or cancers. For this reason, EWOT has strong anti-cancer benefits.
At the same time, the increased oxygen helps the body detoxify from the metabolites and cellular debris caused by a bartonella infection and its effects on the various organ systems (remember that bartonella easily lives in the endothelial cells of your filtering organisms – your kidneys and liver).
Because of its anti-inflammatory actions on the exact cells that are the preferred habitat for bartonella, and because bartonella cannot live in the body without inflammation and inflammatory processes, EWOT is very specific for treating the bartonella infection.
What Other Chronic Illness is EWOT Good For?
EWOT is great for a variety of conditions and symptoms that Lyme disease and bartonella sufferers are very familiar with. It is also good for improving general health, well-being, and its anti-aging. It is very similar to HBOT therapy but takes much less time for a fraction of the price.
If you are mobile and can even do as little as bounce on a rebounder, EWOT is likely a better place to start. For bartonella specifically, EWOT is much more specific than HBOT for the infection. EWOT will reduce HIF-1 (the mechanism bartonella uses to create more infected cells) whereas HBOT will increase HIF-1 over time.
The many benefits of EWOT
- Inflammatory conditions
- Detoxifying cellular waste and improving liver detoxification
- Combating circulatory disorders in extremities
- frequency and severity of migraine and cluster headache attacks.
- Acceleration recovery after serious illness
- Reduction of side effects and increase of the main effect of drugs
- Increasing performance reserve reduced by a lack of exercise after serious illnesses such as
- paralysis
- arthritis
- rheumatism
- nursing cases
- Sleep better at night.
- Stimulate the immune system.
- An increase in your energy levels.
- Improve mental clarity, memory, and ability to focus (and here).
- Decrease recovery time from strenuous training
- Reduce stress.
- Increased metabolism and weight loss - Burn 30% more calories than regular exercise
- Anti-aging - reduction of the “biological age“ by average 10 years
- Cancer and cancer relapse prophylaxis
- Amelioration of toxic side effects of conventional cancer therapies (operation, radiation and chemo therapy)
- Reduction of frequency of angina-pectoris attacks by support of perfusion of coronary vessels in coronary heart disease
- Contributes to prevention and rehab from heart disease and diabetes
- Acceleration of wound healing / contribution to renormalizing low blood pressure
- Improved physical endurance.
- Hearing loss.
We have purposefully designed our EWOT system to benefit people with chronic illness. Interested to learn how EWOT can help you with your bartonella recovery? Feel freee to contact us.
Author Bio

Brad Pitzele
We wanted to make the high-quality, affordable EWOT systems to help people like myself, suffering through chronic illnesses, to regain their health and their quality of life.